The Sailor and the Siren: A Live Music Burlesque Event with Willy LaQueue and Noah Grey
Sunday, September 25, 2022
2:30 AM
Set your sails for an adventure in another time and another place far across the sea. From the minds of Chicago cabaret artists Noah Grey and Willy LaQueue, this original production tells the story of one boy and his voyage on the high seas. An ephemeral creature from beneath the waves is your guide through this tale of love, loss, and live music. Hoist the anchor and get ready to meet The Sailor and The Siren.
Proof of vaccination required.
Please bring a mask to wear up to the bar/bathrooms
The Newport Theater is up a flight of stairs (no elevator) but a private entrance with a railing and seating near a side door/wheel-chair restroom can be arranged with advance notice. Email for more information or learn more at